My SGE installation process.
Links basics ¶
Com funciona ¶
User level ¶
- — Funcionament del sistema
- — Distribució de recursos
- — GUI
- — Categories d’usuari
Admnistració ¶
- Hosts
- cues
- usuaris
- qconf
- sistemes paralels
- monitorització
- estadistiques
- backup i restore
- tuning
- tuning amb dtrace
Instalació ¶
Hands on ¶
Install ¶
checklist ¶
User accounts ¶
To use SMF on Solaris 10 or later hosts and run the Grid Engine software as an unprivileged user, perform the following additional steps as root user (or user with appropriate permissions):
For a local user:
- Create the new role sgeadmin:
roleadd -c "Grid Engine SMF Administrator" -g <group> -d <home_dir> -u <UID> -s <profile_shell> -P "solaris.smf.manage.sge" "sgeadmin"
- Assign the just-created role sgeadmin to the user:
usermod -R "sgeadmin" <login>
For a distributed name service, such as NIS, NIS+, or LDAP:
- Create the new role sgeadmin and assign it to the user:
/usr/sadm/bin/smrole add -D <domain_name> - -n "sgeadmin" -a "normal_user" -d <home_dir> -c "Grid Engine SMF Administrator" -p "solaris.smf.manage.sge"
Network services ¶
Determine whether your site’s network services are defined in an NIS database or in an /etc/services file that is local to each workstation. If your site uses NIS, determine the host name of your NIS server so that you can add entries to the NIS services map.
The Grid Engine system services are sge_execd and sge_qmaster. To add the services to your NIS map, choose reserved, unused port numbers. The following examples show sge_qmaster and sge_execd entries.
sge_qmaster 6444/tcp sge_execd 6445/tcp
Installation ¶
Master host ¶
Execution hosts ¶
- automated installation, using the inst_sge script and a configuration file. See Using the inst_sge Utility and a Configuration Template.
- server
apt-get -y install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap echo "/var/nfs,sync,no_subtree_check)" >> /etc/exports exportsfs -a
- client
apt-get -y install nfs-common portmap echo " /mnt/nfs/var/nfs nfs rw,sync,hard,intr 0 0" >> /etc/fstab mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/var/nfs ; mount -a
- permisions
addgroup sgeadmin adduser -c "Grid Engine SMF Administrator" --home /home/sgeadmin -g sgeadmin sgeadmin chown -R sgeadmin.sgeadmin /var/nfs/sgeroot
** Tots els nodes i/o masters han de tenir l’usuari sgeadmin
Edició de hostnames ¶
sudo sed -i "s/kickseed/$HOSTNAME/g" /etc/hosts sudo sed -i "s/kickseed/$HOSTNAME/g" /etc/hostname sudo hostname -v $HOSTNAME
Instalació del Master ¶
- Entorn: ** Variables entorn
echo " SGE_ROOT=/mnt/nfs/var/nfs/sgeroot export SGE_ROOT" >> /home/sgeadmin/.bashrc
** hostname
sed -i "/`hostname`/s/`ifconfig | awk '/Bcast/ {print $2}'|cut -d: -f2`/g" /etc/hosts
- Descomprimir:
gzip -dc ../sge/ge-6.2u5-common.tar.gz | tar xvpf - gzip -dc ../sge/ge-6.2u5-bin-lx24-amd64.tar.gz |tar xvpf - gzip -dc ../sge/ge-6.2u5-bin-lx24-x86.tar.gz |tar xvpf - gzip -dc ../sge/ge-6.2u5-bin-lx24-ia64.tar.gz |tar xvpf -
- Software necessari per a la intalació
apt-get install binutils sun-java6-jre
- Iniciar la instalació (as root)
cd $SGE_ROOT ./inst_sge -m
- JMX MBean server config
Using the following JMX MBean server settings. libjvm_path >/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/< Additional JVM arguments >-Xmx256m< JMX port >6446< JMX ssl >true< JMX client ssl >true< JMX server keystore >/var/sgeCA/sge_qmaster/default/private/keystore< JMX server keystore pw >*********< ;) .
- Berkeley Database spooling parameters
Berkeley Database spooling parameters ------------------------------------- You are going to install a RPC Client/Server mechanism! In this case, qmaster will contact a RPC server running on a separate server machine. If you want to use the SGE shadowd, you have to use the RPC Client/Server mechanism. Enter database server name or hit <RETURN> to use default [labfbmsge01] >> Enter the database directory or hit <RETURN> to use default [/mnt/nfs/var/nfs/sgeroot/default/spooldb] >> creating directory: /mnt/nfs/var/nfs/sgeroot/default/spooldb Please remember these values, during Qmaster installation you will be asked for! Hit <RETURN> to continue! The Berkeley DB installation is completed now! If you are using a Berkely DB Server, please add the script to your crontab. This script is used for transaction checkpointing and cleanup in SGE installations with a Berkeley DB RPC Server. You will find this script in: /mnt/nfs/var/nfs/sgeroot/util/ It must be added to the crontab of the user (sgeadmin), who runs the berkeley_db_svc on the server host. e.g. * * * * * <full path to scripts> <sge-root dir> <sge-cell> <bdb-dir>
- Sgeadmin Keystore => minim 6 lletres => 123456 leters 😉
- Using Grid Engine
Using Grid Engine ----------------- You should now enter the command: source /mnt/nfs/var/nfs/sgeroot/default/common/settings.csh if you are a csh/tcsh user or # . /mnt/nfs/var/nfs/sgeroot/default/common/ if you are a sh/ksh user. This will set or expand the following environment variables: - $SGE_ROOT (always necessary) - $SGE_CELL (if you are using a cell other than >default<) - $SGE_CLUSTER_NAME (always necessary) - $SGE_QMASTER_PORT (if you haven't added the service >sge_qmaster<) - $SGE_EXECD_PORT (if you haven't added the service >sge_execd<) - $PATH/$path (to find the Grid Engine binaries) - $MANPATH (to access the manual pages)
- autostart qmaster y bdb on boot as sgeadmin (dona un warning pero no passa res perque només ens interessa el runlevel 2 i en un futur potser el 5)
echo "sudo -u sgemaster /etc/init.d/sgemaster.FBMGRID " >> /etc/rc.local echo "sudo -u sgemaster /etc/init.d/sgebdb start " >> /etc/rc.local sed -i "s/exit 0//g" /etc/rc.local echo "exit 0" >> /etc/rc.local cat /etc/rc.local
no funcionava i he hagut d’executar el següent:
source /mnt/nfs/var/nfs/sgeroot/default/common/
I ara comença lo divertit, afegir nodes respectant permisos i que funcionin. Despres les cues.