Fuse and sshfs

Ok, you want to mount some remote stuff with sshfs.

Download fuse and sshfs from here. (Stable release.)

Now we have two files :

– fuse-2.8.1.tar.gz


With our regular user we do the following .

$tar -zxvf *.tar.gz

$cd fuse-2.8.1

$./configure ; make

We go to root and install it.

#make install

Then the sshfs

$cd sshfs-fuse-2.2


#make install

Then, here comes the interesting part of the post, my usual errors and my tips.

Error on fuse: “fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied”

Solution: #chmod o+rw /dev/fuse

You can also add you user to the new fuse group, but I always pretend to install it for the other users, and I don’t will remember (do not want to..) to add new users to this group. So others is helpful.

Error on sshfs: “error while loading shared libraries: libfuse.so.2”


32bits) #ln -s /usr/local/lib/libfuse.so.2 /lib64/

64bits) #ln -s /usr/local/lib/libfuse.so.2 /lib/

I guess this last one is a bug, but may be a feature, you know.

Author: Marc


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